Old Monk XXX


There is an old saying that goes on in my generation. “Are you a rum drinker? No, I am an Old Monk drinker”. That is what an Old Monk xxx is for its fanatics, it is like a cult when comes to rum. No other rum has been able to make this kind of statement. … Read more

What is the best mix for rum?


White or dark rum is absolutely delicious when served as a cocktail. Rum in itself is relatively sweet when compared to other types of alcohol. Mixers used for making rum cocktails are full of sugar and that makes the drink even sweeter and better. I call this type of drink a rum sugar rush. Usually, … Read more

Why is rum so cheap?


This is a very valid question why is rum so cheap, here is my answer “rum is or was never cheap”. A lot of people think that rum is a poor man’s drink and whisky is stylish. That is not true, rum is can burn a hole in your pocket. I also see a lot … Read more

Hello world!


Hello world, this site is dedicated to my favorite drink, by the name you should have figured by now. Yes, I am a big fan of good old delicious RUM. This is the best drink I have come across in the whole alcohol category. Why do I the best in the category? Well, this site … Read more